Week 1 | Introduction to AI and Robotics | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Course Introduction and Expectations | |
| | | Hour 2 | Intro to AI and Robotics | |
| | | Hour 3 | Job Market Overview | |
| | | Hour 4 | Work Ethics in Institute | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | History of AI and Robotics | |
| | | Hour 2 | Current State of AI and Robotics | |
| | | Hour 3 | Applications of AI and Robotics | |
| | | Hour 4 | Ethical Considerations in AI and Robotics | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Programming Languages used in AI and Robotics | |
| | | Hour 2 | Variables, Data Types, and Operators | |
| | | Hour 3 | Control Structures and Functions | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with a Programming Language | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Machine Learning (ML) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning | |
| | | Hour 3 | Linear Regression | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with a ML Algorithm | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Computer Vision | |
| | | Hour 2 | Image Processing Techniques | |
| | | Hour 3 | Feature Extraction | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with a Computer Vision Algorithm | |
Week 2 | Programming Fundamentals | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Success Stories of AI and Robotics | |
| | | Hour 2 | Recap of Programming Concepts | |
| | | Hour 3 | Introduction to Object- Oriented Programming (OOP) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with OOP | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Data Structures and Algorithms | |
| | | Hour 2 | Recursion | |
| | | Hour 3 | Big O Notation | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Data Structures and Algorithms | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Version Control Systems (VCS) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Git Basics | |
| | | Hour 3 | Branching and Merging | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Git | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Web Development | |
| | | Hour 2 | HTML, CSS, and JavaScript | |
| | | Hour 3 | Web Frameworks | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Web Development | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Cloud Computing | |
| | | Hour 2 | Cloud Providers | |
| | | Hour 3 | Infrastructure as Code | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Cloud Computing | |
Week 3 | Machine Learning Basics | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Motivational Lecture on AI and Robotics | |
| | | Hour 2 | Multivariate Linear Regression | |
| | | Hour 3 | Logistic Regression | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Regression Algorithms | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Support Vector Machines (SVM) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Kernel Tricks | |
| | | Hour 3 | Hands-on Practice with SVM | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with SVM | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Decision Trees and Random Forests | |
| | | Hour 2 | Ensemble Methods | |
| | | Hour 3 | Hands-on Practice with Decision Trees and Random Forests | |
| | | Hour 4 | Decision Trees and Random Forests | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Neural Networks | |
| | | Hour 2 | Perceptron | |
| | | Hour 3 | Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Neural Networks | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Deep Learning | |
| | | Hour 2 | Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) | |
| | | Hour 3 | Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with CNNs and RNNs | |
Week 4 | Computer Vision | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Success Stories of AI and Robotics | |
| | | Hour 2 | Introduction to Image Processing | |
| | | Hour 3 | Image Filtering | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Image Filtering | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Edge Detection | |
| | | Hour 2 | Feature Extraction Techniques | |
| | | Hour 3 | Hands-on Practice with Feature Extraction | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Feature Extraction | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Object Recognition | |
| | | Hour 2 | Object Tracking | |
| | | Hour 3 | Hands-on Practice with Object Recognition and Tracking | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Object Recognition and Tracking | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Semantic Segmentation | |
| | | Hour 2 | Instance Segmentation | |
| | | Hour 3 | Hands-on Practice with Segmentation | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with Segmentation | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Introduction to 3D Computer Vision | |
| | | Hour 2 | Stereo Vision | |
| | | Hour 3 | Depth Estimation | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on Practice with 3D Computer Vision | |
Week 5 | Natural Language Processing | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Text preprocessing and cleaning | |
| | | Hour 3 | Tokenization and stemming | |
| | | Hour 4 | Part-of-speech tagging | |
| | Day2 | Hour 1 | Named Entity Recognition (NER) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Chunking and parsing | |
| | | Hour 3 | Word embeddings | |
| | | Hour 4 | Language modeling | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Sentiment analysis | |
| | | Hour 2 | Topic modeling | |
| | | Hour 3 | Text classification | |
| | | Hour 4 | Information retrieval | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Machine translation | |
| | | Hour 2 | Dialogue systems | |
| | | Hour 3 | Text summarization | |
| | | Hour 4 | Natural Language Generation (NLG) | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Ethical considerations in NLP | |
| | | Hour 2 | Emerging trends in NLP | |
| | | Hour 3 | Practical applications of NLP | |
| | | Hour 4 | Hands-on NLP project | |
Week 6 | Reinforcement Learning | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (RL) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) | |
| | | Hour 3 | Value iteration and policy iteration | |
| | | Hour 4 | Monte Carlo methods | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Temporal Difference (TD) learning | |
| | | Hour 2 | SARSA algorithm | |
| | | Hour 3 | Q-Learning | |
| | | Hour 4 | Deep Q-Learning | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Exploration vs exploitation trade-off | |
| | | Hour 2 | Multi-armed bandits | |
| | | Hour 3 | Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm | |
| | | Hour 4 | Thompson Sampling | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Policy Gradient Methods | |
| | | Hour 2 | REINFORCE algorithm | |
| | | Hour 3 | Actor-Critic methods | |
| | | Hour 4 | Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) algorithm | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Multi-Agent RL | |
| | | Hour 2 | Cooperative and competitive scenarios | |
| | | Hour 3 | Multi-Agent Deep RL | |
| | | Hour 4 | Applications of RL in robotics | |
Week 7 | Deep Learning Basics | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Deep Learning (DL) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) | |
| | | Hour 3 | Activation functions | |
| | | Hour 4 | Forward and backward propagation | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Pooling layers | |
| | | Hour 3 | Convolutional layers | |
| | | Hour 4 | Batch Normalization | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks | |
| | | Hour 3 | Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Word-level language modeling | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Autoencoders | |
| | | Hour 2 | Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) | |
| | | Hour 3 | Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) with DL | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Transfer Learning | |
| | | Hour 2 | Fine-tuning and feature extraction | |
| | | Hour 3 | Domain adaptation | |
| | | Hour 4 | Practical applications of DL | |
Week 8 | Robotics Control | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Robotics Control | |
| | | Hour 2 | Degrees of freedom and joint types | |
| | | Hour 3 | Forward kinematics | |
| | | Hour 4 | Inverse kinematics | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Differential kinematics | |
| | | Hour 2 | Jacobians and manipulability | |
| | | Hour 3 | Control of robot arms | |
| | | Hour 4 | Inverse dynamics | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Robot dynamics | |
| | | Hour 2 | Lagrangian dynamics | |
| | | Hour 3 | Newton-Euler equations | |
| | | Hour 4 | Robust control of robots | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Trajectory planning and control | |
| | | Hour 2 | Motion planning algorithms | |
| | | Hour 3 | Path following control | |
| | | Hour 4 | Feedback linearization | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Practical applications of robotics control | |
| | | Hour 2 | Emerging trends in robotics control | |
| | | Hour 3 | Robotics control | |
| | | Hour 4 | Revision of complete topic | |
Week 9 | Reinforcement Learning for Robotics | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Reinforcement Learning for Robotics | |
| | | Hour 2 | Robotics Applications of RL | |
| | | Hour 3 | Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Q-Learning | |
| | | Hour 2 | Deep Q-Learning | |
| | | Hour 3 | Experience Replay | |
| | | Hour 4 | Discussion session | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Policy Gradient Methods | |
| | | Hour 2 | Actor-Critic Methods | |
| | | Hour 3 | Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Multi-Agent RL | |
| | | Hour 2 | Decentralized and Centralized RL | |
| | | Hour 3 | Cooperative and Competitive RL | |
| | | Hour 4 | Discussion | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | RL for Robotics Case Studies | |
| | | Hour 2 | Industrial Automation | |
| | | Hour 3 | Autonomous Driving | |
| | | Hour 4 | Autonomous Driving | |
Week 10 | Advanced Computer Vision | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Advanced Computer Vision | |
| | | Hour 2 | Object Detection | |
| | | Hour 3 | Object Tracking | |
| | | Hour 4 | Discussion | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Semantic Segmentation | |
| | | Hour 2 | Instance Segmentation | |
| | | Hour 3 | Mask R-CNN | |
| | | Hour 4 | Discussion | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Generative Models | |
| | | Hour 2 | Variational Autoencoders | |
| | | Hour 3 | Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Discussion | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Video Understanding | |
| | | Hour 2 | Optical Flow | |
| | | Hour 3 | Action Recognition | |
| | | Hour 4 | Action Recognition | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | 3D Computer Vision | |
| | | Hour 2 | Monocular Depth Estimation | |
| | | Hour 3 | RGB-D Reconstruction | |
| | | Hour 4 | Complete topic revision | |
Week 11 | Deep Reinforcement Learning | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) | |
| | | Hour 2 | DRL Frameworks | |
| | | Hour 3 | DRL Frameworks | |
| | | Hour 4 | DQN Revisited | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | REINFORCE | |
| | | Hour 2 | Actor-Critic Methods | |
| | | Hour 3 | Actor-Critic Methods | |
| | | Hour 4 | Discussion | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | Asynchronous RL | |
| | | Hour 2 | Asynchronous RL | |
| | | Hour 3 | A3C | |
| | | Hour 4 | Distributed RL | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Exploration Strategies | |
| | | Hour 2 | Epsilon Greedy | |
| | | Hour 3 | Boltzmann Exploration | |
| | | Hour 4 | Discussion | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | RL for Games | |
| | | Hour 2 | Atari Games | |
| | | Hour 3 | AlphaGo and AlphaZero | |
| | | Hour 4 | Complete topic revision | |
Week 12 | Robotics Perception | Day 1 | Hour 1 | Introduction to Robotics Perception | |
| | | Hour 2 | Sensors in Robotics | |
| | | Hour 3 | Sensors in Robotics | |
| | | Hour 4 | Cameras | |
| | Day 2 | Hour 1 | Depth Perception | |
| | | Hour 2 | Stereo Vision | |
| | | Hour 3 | Time of Flight (ToF) | |
| | | Hour 4 | Time of Flight (ToF) | |
| | Day 3 | Hour 1 | LiDAR | |
| | | Hour 2 | Types of LiDAR | |
| | | Hour 3 | Point Cloud Processing | |
| | | Hour 4 | Point Cloud Processing | |
| | Day 4 | Hour 1 | Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) | |
| | | Hour 2 | Types of SLAM | |
| | | Hour 3 | Visual SLAM | |
| | | Hour 4 | Discussion | |
| | Day 5 | Hour 1 | Robotics Perception Case Studies | |
| | | Hour 2 | Self-Driving Cars | |
| | | Hour 3 | Autonomous Drones | |
| | | Hour 4 | Applications in daily life | |